Friday, April 30, 2010

HONK! Festival, 2009

"First and foremost, they honk their horns – or beat their drums, or wave their flags – to enliven and embolden their audience. Members vary widely in age, class, ethnicity and background, and although they often wear some kind of uniform, there is also always an emphasis on individuality and a “DIY” (do-it-yourself) sensibility to their instrumentation and attire. These bands play music that is by, for, and of “the people.” The distinction between performer and audience, just like the distinctions between different musical genres, is just one more arbitrary social boundary they aspire to overcome. Spectators often think “Hey, I could do that!” and, indeed, these bands often recruit new members right off the street." (From About HONK!)

So these, again, are from a couple months ago, but I only just got to them. The HONK! Festival in Davis Square happens every October, and it's a day I high anticipate every year.

Honk, 2009


Honk, 2009

These two are my absolute favorites of the day. This first one because of how precious this lone child appears, enthralled by the performers:

Honk, 2009

And this one, because it harkens back to my first favorite portrait, taken at the HONK! 2007 festival:

Honk, 2009

Its more or less why I ever considered pursuing photography :)

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