Monday, October 18, 2010

No way!

Two posts in two days? Unthinkable. Unimaginable. Un... something else.

This is Anissa! Formerly Minnie Pernicious (by the way, Anissa, I forgot to tell you how much I love that name). She was kind enough to meet me in Taunton, at this run down, over grown car wash I had found one day.





And a classic photo to close:


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Unclogging the Workflow

Why it takes me so long to post new blog posts:

My workflow is absurd. I'm slowly streamlining it, but it's still s... l... o... w...

After a shoot:
First cut (delete bad ones, misfires, etc.).
Second cut (loose edit of favorites).
Burn to CD.
Back up on external.
Color edit (natural).
Color edit (funky).
Change mind. Re-color edit (funkier).
Export as JPG.
Selective cut (really choose favorites).

Somewhere in those last 3 steps, I get really lost. At this point, for models and kids, hopefully I'm at like 50-70 photos (I shoot a lot). I'd like to post 30-50 favorites online as a set, but I'm a fickle person, and I can never really commit to that last cut. Am I posting too many? Should I post just a single favorite? Should I post more?

And then I'm on to the next job and I'm probably somewhere in step 1-5 and then the JPGs never really go online.

So, here's a couple from an ancient shoot (August):

